Wednesday, April 26

NBA Playoffs Cont.

So apparently I’m not such a good basketball fan because I forgot that all rounds of the playoffs are now best of 7, I still had the first round pegged at 5. So that changes up some things because Dallas can’t win in 3. But anyway I will correct those errors as well as add some in depth reasons for my picks.

Detroit versus Milwaukee

I think that Detroit is the most talented team in the East. They can dominate the ball on the inside with the presence of the two Wallace’s. They control the boards on both ends of the court. In the back court the Pistons have Billups who is one of the best big game performs in some time. He just raises his game to the next level in big situations. With that said the Bucks have some talented big men as well, including four 7 footers, but only Redd can lead them to a victory and he will, but just one win. Pistons in 5.

NJ Nets versus Ind

The Nets played very well in the second half which lead to the Atlantic Division title. The Nets are led by a trio of Kidd, Jefferson, and Carter. I am probably the biggest anti Vince Carter fan out there, I can’t stand this guy. He is extremely cocky, complains about setting a bad example for kids by scoring 81 in a game. He needs to stop complaining and mailing it in. With that said the Nets did play well as a team, but they just don’t have the big men to stop O’neal. In my upset special I have IND winning in 7.

Miami versus Chicago

This series won’t even be close. Miami is the more dominant team, and they have Shaq, who contrary to what everyone has said all year, just mailed it in the past year and will turn it up another gear for the playoffs. We saw that in the first two games, this guy can still dominate a game. Oh and they have DWade. This kid is ridiculously good. He keeps on getting better and sure having a big man like Shaq opens the lane up enough for mighty mouse to increase his numbers, but he had a breakout year as a rookie without Shaq. I have Miami in 5 over the Bulls.

Cleveland versus Washington

LeBron LeBron LeBron. We are truly watching greatness. He showed that in game one of this series when he become the second youngest player to record a triple double in a NBA playoff game. He can dominate both ends of the floor. No one can stop him, and I think he will start his climb to being the next MJ in the playoffs of this year. Washington played well all year, fought off some injuries to lock up the fifth seed of the playoffs, but LeBron will be too dominant and will lead the Cavs to victory in 6.

Second Round

Detroit versus Cleveland

Detroit again will have the advantage inside in this series. Z can maybe take Ben Wallace out of his game, but Gooden can’t take care of Rasheed. No one on Detroit can take LeBron but his supporting cast isn’t good enough for them to take down Detroit unless, and I can see this happening, Detroit stays as cocky as they are now. A decent team can take them out with the way they are playing now, but I don’t think that will happen. I think Flip will knock some sense into their heads and Detroit will win the series in 6, but if for whatever reason Flip doesn’t know some sense into his players look for the Cavs to win in 7

Miami versus IND

Again Miami will be the dominant team in this series. The Pacers will exert a lot of effort to get past the Nets and thus causing a letdown in this series. Shaq will have his way versus anyone IND can throw at him and DWade will be unstoppable. This will be an easy series win for Miami in 5 games.

Eastern Conference Finals

Miami versus Detroit

This will be a great match-up. I am very excited to see this match-up happen. We will see Shaq battle the Wallace’s and we will see DWade battle Billups. This series can and will go the complete 7 games because these two teams are very close in talent. Last year Miami came within 1 game of beating the Pistons without a healthy Shaq or DWade, and now Miami has that and also added Walker, Williams, and James Posey who in these first two games of the first round showed he can hit that open trey. I’m taking Miami in 7.

Coming tomorrow will be the West preview.

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